Monday, October 1, 2007

WND Poll

A new poll from the good folks at WorldNetDaily on the likelyhood that the Christian Right will get behind a candidate Giuliani:

What should GOP Christians do if Giuliani wins their party's nomination?

Recruit a new pro-family, pro-Christian candidate to run a third-party campaign 27.45% (1446)

Throw their support behind one of the existing third-party candidates closer to their values 23.04% (1214)

Hold their noses, vote for him and pray for four years 10.35% (545)

Actively support him so, if he wins, he'll be more likely to support some of the Christian agenda 9.74% (513)

Get on their knees and thank God they have a chance to vote for the only Republican who can beat Hillary 9.26% (488)

If they couldn't keep Giuliani from winning the nomination, nothing they do will give them a better outcome on Election Day 7.90% (416)

Vote for him – he's the best candidate running 4.08% (215)

Other 3.82% (201)

Stay home on Election Day and send the GOP a message 3.51% (185)

Vote for the Democrat and teach the Republican Party a lesson 0.85% (45)


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